Happy Labelling!
SHOW is a social community where people with similar taste and lifestyle connects FASHIONABLY. SHOW let you label and tag the items you have / love and share them with your friends. SHOW is your pocket wardrobe showcasing not only your clothes, but also everything about life including accessories, gadgets, gourmet and beauty items etc.
Our Features:
[SHOW my cup of tea] Image your life as a pinboard. Use SHOW to label and tag your favorite items and share it with your friends.
[LIKE or ADD OIL] You can SHOW your point of view by commenting, or clicking the LIKE or our special ADD OIL button.
[ACTION] Life is an ongoing process, SHOW let you capture a piece of your taste in motion with your built-in video recorder.
[EXCHANGE] Own it, Share it, Exchange it! Every SHOWpiece you shared could be exchangeable with your followers and friends.
[BRAND and TOPIC] SHOW is the ultimate fashion search engine! Search and discover the hottest brands, items and topics!
[SHARE] Download SHOW now and start SHOWcasing everything you love!